Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Presentation plans

Philosophy: Pragmatism 

1) I want the students to be active learners and use participation, ask any questions they have throughout the presentation. 

2) Students should have the knowledge and skills about global food waste in their daily lives.

3)Pragmatists believe that children should learn how to make difficult decisions by considering the consequences their actions might have on others; students should realize the effect of their food waste and how it does hurt a lot of people at the end of the day

How I Intend To Teach

I am going to start off my presentation with this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAFO2TKsRaI because it is informative and in my opinion a dramatic yet important way to start the presentation. I plan on making a PowerPoint filled with a lot of facts, charts, and important information. The information will include what is the solution, what is the cause, and what is global food waste. I want to discuss what is happening today, how this is connected to world hunger, and possibly discuss my concept map. At the end of the presentation I want to go around the room and have each person proclaim what THEY can do to stop themselves from wasting food personal, whether this is at home or at school. 

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