This map just goes to show how much global hunger food waste has caused. The red sections show the parts of the world that are very highly undernourished, and the green sections show the places in the world that dont have much of as many problems with undernourishment. As you can see, there is more red, orange, yellow, and gold than there is green, this isn't right. We need to work globally to stop the spread of red and begin the spread of green.
What is happening today you may ask?
Currently, global food waste campaigns are suffering from data deficiency. This means that even though food waste has been identified as an issue that is worth addressing there is limited evidence on how much is really being wasted and where exactly should we begin to figure out how to reduce it. Until we can know for sure that the data that was created about how much food is being wasted it is going to be extremely difficult to get the public to really see this as an issue.
Article: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/2013/oct/28/global-food-waste-tesco-fao-data
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